Victoria Murrain, DO is the vice dean for diversity, equity and inclusion and an associate professor at the University of Arizona College of Medicine - Tucson. She recalls a singular moment when she decided she wanted to be a physician: watching a movie of the birthing process in the eighth grade. Her experience with medical professionals was limited, but her family encouraged her. Becoming a family physician allowed her to fulfill her dream of caring for families and yet have a family life of her own.
People might not know that as a family physician in an academic environment, she is blessed to be a role model in building relationship with families, spanning multiple generations.
She has been extremely fortunate to have wonderful mentoring role models and tries to reflect those experiences in her own mentoring relationships. Through the years, she’s learned that being good mentor involves being an active listener, realistic encourager and empowering advisor. Her professional goal is to provide the best care to each patient and be “present” with each patient at each visit.
Throughout the month of September we will feature women at the University of Arizona Health Sciences in honor of Women in Medicine Month. We asked these women about their inspirations, mentoring experience, professional goals and what advice they would give their younger selves. Join us as we celebrate some of our amazing health science professional women.
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